Notice: A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of a donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer's own dependent.



  • You can donate online now. 
    - or - 
    Complete the donation card and send a check for up to:

    $2,910 married filing jointly 2024 tax year (or $3,062 married filing jointly 2025 tax year)

    or $1,459 filing single/separately 2024 tax year (or $1,535 filing single/separately 2025 tax year)

    to the School Tuition Association of Yuma, Inc. (STAY) and mail to P.O. Box 515, Yuma, AZ 85366.  

    See the Benefits Section to determine your eligibility. 

  • Donations are not limited, only the tax credit is limited. Donors that make donations in excess of the tax credit limit can still take a federal deduction for the amount not claimed as a state tax credit. The amount of the tax credit, allowed by the state for the given tax year, is claimed as a state tax payment on the federal tax return. 
  • You will receive a receipt to be used in lieu of the payment of Arizona income tax.
  • Some companies will match their employee's gift. (Consult your employer to determine eligibility.)


1. Original Individual Tax Credit 

  • All Arizona residents attending a qualified private school are eligible to receive scholarships from this program.

2. Switcher Individual Tax Credit 

  • Eligibility is limited.
    • Dependent of an active duty member of the US Armed Forces who is stationed in AZ pursuant to military orders. 
      - or -
    • Enrolls in a qualified private school Kindergarten program. 
      **Note: Disabled students enrolling in a private preschool program for students with disabilities may be eligible if they have an IEP or MET. 
      - or -
    • Attended a public school for 90 days of the prior school year and transferred to a qualified private school. 
      - or -
    • Received a scholarship from a Corporate Low-Income program, issued by an Arizona STO, and had uninterrupted continual enrollment in a private school.

Need More Information?
See the Donor Help Center for FAQs for more information.

Notice: A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of a donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer's own dependent.

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