Notice: A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of a donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer's own dependent.

A young boy in a classroom with models of a rocket and planets holding a toy astronaut he is looking at
Students in blazers looking at a report while a teacher looks over their shoulder.
A young girl sitting in a classroom, other students are visible behind her but out of focus.

The student deadline opens March 1 and ends February 28 of each school year.

Mission Statement

The objective of STAY is to give the opportunity to attend a private school to more children by effectively implementing the provisions of the Arizona Private School Tuition Tax Credit.


Program Overview

Incorporated in 1999, School Tuition Association of Yuma, Inc. (STAY) is an AZDOR certified Corporate STO (School Tuition Organization) and is a tax-exempt charitable organization pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. (EIN #86-0947351)

Happy students interacting with a digital device

Why choose STAY?

Not all children are the same.

STAY works with Arizona’s tax credits to help create scholarships for children who otherwise could not get the educational opportunities they need. By partnering with STAY, you are helping hundreds of students gain access to the school that is best suited to help them THRIVE in your community.

You can be a part of a life-changing opportunity for a student in need!

How? Corporations and Individuals can donate and claim a dollar-for-dollar tax credit against their Arizona income taxes. At no cost to you, you can choose to donate what you would otherwise pay to the state in taxes. STAY then, essentially, converts your tax credit into scholarships. It’s that simple!

Each donation helps a child reach their unique potential whether it is a disadvantaged child who needs a school that best meets their unique needs, a displaced child who is in Arizona’s foster care program or a child with a variety of learning obstacles who needs specific help to function to their fullest capacity.

You can give families hope and lead by example in providing the children of Arizona school choice opportunities.

We all win when the children in our communities THRIVE!

Tax Credit Limits

A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of the income tax you owe. For example, if you owe $1,000 in federal taxes but are eligible for a $1,000 tax credit, your net liability drops to zero.

1. Corporate Limits

The corporate tax credit donation limitation for fiscal year 2024/2025, (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025) is $135,000,000.

Low-Income Corporate Scholarship demographics based on household income for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024:
Household income up to 185% of poverty level.
Scholarship Dollars $489,605
% of Total Low-Income Scholarship Dollars 55.04%
Household income greater than 185% but not more than 342.25% of poverty level.
Scholarship Dollars $399,954
% of Total Low-Income Scholarship Dollars 44.96%

2. Individual Limits

Collectively, the limit for individuals for tax year 2024 is $2,910 (married filing jointly) or $1,459 (filing single or separately) and for tax year 2025 is $3,062 (married filing jointly) or $1,500 (filing single or separately).

The way it works for tax purposes is as follows: individual donations are applied to the "Original Individual Tax Credit" until the donor reaches their "tax credit limit" for the tax year. At that time, the excess dollars are applied to the new "Switcher Individual Tax Credit" until that credit is also maxed for the tax year. Any donations in excess of the total limit, $2,910 (married filing jointly) or $1,459 (filing single or separately), are treated as donations which can be taken as itemized deductions on both your federal and state income tax returns.

Original Individual Tax Credit (Claimed on Arizona Form 323)

Donors that file married filing jointly, for income tax purposes, can take a tax credit up to $1,459 (2024) or $1,535 (2025).
Donors that do not file married filing jointly, for income tax purposes, can take a tax credit up to $731 (2024) or $769 (2025).

Original Individual Scholarship demographics based on household income for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024:
Household income up to 185% of poverty level.
Scholarship Dollars $8,000
% of Total Low-Income Scholarship Dollars 28.93%
Household income greater than 185% but not more than 342.25% of poverty level.
Scholarship Dollars $2,800
% of Total Low-Income Scholarship Dollars 10.13%

Switcher Individual Tax Credit (Claimed on Arizona Form 348)

Donors that file married filing jointly, for income tax purposes, can take a tax credit up to $1,451 (2024) or $1,527 (2025).
Donors that that do not file married filing jointly, for income tax purposes, can take a tax credit up to $728 (2024) 0r $766 (2025).

Switcher Individual Scholarship demographics based on household income for fiscal year ending June 30, 2024:
Household income up to 185% of poverty level.
Scholarship Dollars $3,710
% of Total Low-Income Scholarship Dollars 10.71%
Household income greater than 185% but not more than 342.25% of poverty level.
Scholarship Dollars $1,495
% of Total Low-Income Scholarship Dollars 4.31%


Notice: A school tuition organization cannot award, restrict or reserve scholarships solely on the basis of a donor recommendation. A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit if the taxpayer agrees to swap donations with another taxpayer to benefit either taxpayer's own dependent.

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